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作者:安德里亚 Schmitt
Returning to your boarding school after the long pause might be a happy event for some, 但对许多人来说,这是一种拖累. I’d even say some teachers and staff feel the same about returning after these holiday celebrations. 也许你已经拜访了你在另一个国家的家人和朋友. 如果你是一名国际学生, you might be experiencing a huge temperature change (from hot 墨西哥 to cold Canada) or being jet-lagged after a long flight from Asia. If you’re a day student, all the stories about exotic locations can feel endless to listen to. 在那个冬天,它没有帮助, 这里的气温很低,天空经常是灰色的, 会在这里待几个月…
所以,如果你现在感觉不是最好的,继续读下去. 我提到过 适应曲线 在新学年开始的时候,我现在又提出来了. 为什么? Because it will help you understand that you’re not alone and that people worldwide have a hard time adjusting and readjusting to transitions. 这个话题非常受欢迎,人们对它进行了一次又一次的研究. 你可能会有复杂的感受. It might also seem like you’re either starting over again or have gone back on the curve. 这是完全正常的! 也许你在9月份什么都没经历过,而现在它袭击了你. 只是要知道,回归并适应SC需要一些时间, 你的房间, 还有这里的人.
你能做些什么来帮助自己更好地管理它吗? 是的! 以下是一些建议:
  • 看一下曲线,找出你所处的阶段:
  • 回到我的 以前的文章 并阅读不同阶段的特征.
  • Realize that you’ve started the school year in September, and you’ve made it this far. 你也会通过这个挑战的. 就像一月是新的九月.
  • 承认你现在的状态. 你有什么感觉?? 你是否感到愤怒、悲伤、烦躁、怨恨或想家? 还有其他感觉吗??
  • 想想你会对好朋友说的一些鼓励的话. 现在对你自己说,比如,“有这种感觉没关系. 一个月后你就会好起来的.”
  • Reach out to your friends and share your feelings if you feel comfortable doing this. 如果没有,和你的父母、兄弟姐妹或家里的朋友谈谈. Or you could mention it to your house mom, advisor, or your favourite teacher or staff member. 和学校辅导员约个时间, 护士, and staff at the Wellness Centre and get ideas about personalized social-emotional support.
  • 和家里喜欢的人、家人和朋友保持定期联系. 留出时间给他们打电话、发短信和FaceTime. 把它列入你的日程. Plan it; if not, the days will just go by, and you’ll “try calling tomorrow.“不知不觉,又一个星期过去了,你又有了同样的感觉…….
  • Ask your parents and friends to reach out to you on a regular basis if they haven’t heard from you in x days.
  • 你听说过“爱心包裹”吗?? 问问你的家人,他们是否介意偶尔给你一个惊喜. 也许一起浏览一下你喜欢的. 有很好的商店,有护肤品、零食、游戏、美术用品、书籍等.
  • Make a list of activities and things you like to do and that always make you feel good. 包括快速和简单的,以及较长的. 例如:洗个澡,画10分钟的素描,或者步行去参加传统活动. 在充满挑战的日子里,把清单放在手边.
  • 你喜欢在休息时间玩棋盘或纸牌游戏吗? 试着和SC的人一起玩游戏.
  • 如果你还没有装饰你的房间,现在可能是这样做的好时机. Get a new pillow, print out some photos, and stick them onto the wall with blue tack.
  • 开始一个“一天做一件积极的事情”的罐子或自封袋. 每天晚上,想想当天发生的一件积极的事情. Write it down on a small piece of paper, fold it up, and put it into a container of your choice. After two weeks, you’ll have 14 little positive reminders that not everything is negative.
  • Avoid going down the social media rabbit hole when you’re not feeling your best. 我知道这有多容易陷入. 但这样你就会进入一个虚拟的世界,而不是真实的世界. If you do pick up the phone, set a timer, and when the alarm goes off, put it away.
  • 忙碌起来,试着参加一些活动,即使你不喜欢. 如果你告诉自己参加这个活动是为了什么呢, 假设, 15分钟, 如果你不喜欢, 然后你就可以离开了? 挑战自己,至少尝试一下.
  • 报名参加周末旅行,尽可能离开斯坦斯特德. Being in other surroundings apart from 你的房间 and Stanstead will open your eyes, 并确认在学校之外还有一个加拿大的世界. Trying out new winter activities is a great way to “shock the system” with the cold winter temperatures waking it up.
  • Watch out if your “symptoms” and feelings persist for more than a week or two. Don’t let other people brush them off with “you’re just homesick” and “you’ll be fine.” Being homesick is real and can make you feel feel down, sad, teary, or lonely. 你可能会胃部不适、头痛或背痛. 其他人则很难集中注意力, 经历精力不足, 对任何事情都不“感兴趣”. 也许你脑子里有很多消极的声音. 如果是这样的话,和健康中心的人谈谈.
记住,这是另一个感觉像过山车的改编. I’m not telling you to "enjoy the ride” but to realize that if you’re feeling down today, 它会再次上升.

安德里亚 Schmitt is a life coach specializing in teens and a former Stanstead parent (Jessica Lozano Schmitt 2018). 想了解更多关于她的服务 www.globalgirlcoach.com. 将您的建议和评论发送到 andrea@globalgirlcoach.com.      
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